Marion E. Wildey
he bouganvillea that suddenly went naked after
the winter weeks is already sprouting leaves, and
the porter weed might resemble a background
extras casting for a Tim Burton flick, except
the happy and healthy glow of the graceful, yet
sturdy aloe leaves shine below, along with the flowering
succulents gives it away. Instead, it’s Spring where a
healthy shot of Mother Nature’s version of supplements
is nurturing the winter-worn plants. Mother Nature’s
recipe of soil steeped over the last few weeks of winter
provides rich nutrients to the hibernating plants that look
like sticks in the ground. The nutrient rich soil will help
them spring back to life, and plump up quickly.
pressure from any number of deadlines, as well as making
the most of momentous occasions.
Given the fast-pace which you carry on, there’s no time
given to process, and before you know it, several other
events have taken place also with no consideration, and
emotions layer on top of each other. Cogitate may not
have an auditory appeal, but it’s meaning, “to think deeply
about”, implies harmony and peace as you take time to
read your experiences and what you might glean from
them. Devote this time of renewal to yourself, because
your inner world is directly associated with your physical
world, it’s essential to organize and declutter. Enhancing
your immediate world with the scents of Spring will
What about you? Are you emerging from winter a little encourage a cleansing palette. Take some time to honor
stiff in the body and uninspired in the soul? Emotions your physical being through pampering and exercise.
and the frenetic energy of life build up throughout the
year, taking a toll on you mentally and physically, so it’s Drawers and empty spaces tend to attract “things,”
a welcoming time to organize a renewal to cleanse and things that end up with a swirl of items that have no
rededicate your inner being. Think of the emotional relation to the others and the area becomes a black hole
gambit we trod on a daily basis fighting traffic, fielding of disorganization. The imposition posed from physical
APRIL 2018