Winter Brewings 2023 Vol. 45 Issue 1 | Page 2

Howdy everyone . Hope this edition of the Schell ’ s Chapter Brewing ’ s newsletter finds you well , and as sick of Winter as I am . Counting the weeks and days till Spring and we can start having beer shows again . Speaking of beer shows , we do have some dandies on the horizon in the area . The annual Hamm ’ s Collectors Club show in Medina is just around the corner on February 26th . This year the show is being held on Sunday which should be interesting to see how it effects if any the turn-out . It was always nice especially for people out of town when the show was on Saturday and they had an extra day to travel and recuperate from the show . Next up is two shows on March 11th-the Cornhusker Spring show in Omaha and the Springfest show at the Everett-McClay VFW in Bloomington MN that is put on by our friends to the North , the North Star chapter . Both shows are excellent and really kick off the start of another great year of beer shows . Then we have our Springing show at the Schell ’ s Brewery in New Ulm on April 23rd 9 to 3 . We will again have the option of having the downstairs of the old tap room in addition to outside set-up weather permitting . Now that we do have the indoor option , I can almost guarantee nice weather for that weekend . We will again have a local food truck on the grounds over the dinner hour . Nice to have two national shows within driving distance this year too . The NABA show is in Schaumburg outside of Chicago and the ABA show is in Dubuque Iowa so both are fairly easy to get to and attend . Check out their respective websites for more info . Later this year the third annual Bago Bash is being planned at the world-famous Bird ’ s Nest in fabulous rural Winnebago . It ’ s looking like the 3rd weekend in September for that show . More details later on that .
In November , we had our annual show at the Kato Brewery in Mankato and although I was out of town and couldn ’ t attend , I understand we had a good crowd and some nice stuff exchanged hands that day . This show is really turning into a good show with great attendance and where better to have a beer show than a brewery right ? Thank you , Kato Brewery , for letting us set up our show in your brewery . In December we had our annual Christmas party in New Ulm starting out at the Pinball Palace with beers , pinball and potluck meal . Excellent as always . Thanks to John Vorwerk and crew for hosting us again , we then moved on to the B & L Bar downtown for more beer , visiting and of course our famous antique beer tasting session . Had some dandies this year and although the Legend Murry Srock wasn ’ t there to take his glass from the slop bucket , several other brave souls took his place . Thanks also to Rick at the B & L for the auction items and hosting another fun afternoon .
Been staying busy at the Hamm It Up shop in Winnebago and have had some great items walk in the door with just a simple bit of advertising on the door and on my van . Be sure to talk up the hobby every chance you get . Stuff can come from the most unlikely places and while you ’ re at it , tell people about our chapter and encourage them to join and come to our shows . Networking with other fellow collectors is a blast and can only help our hobby and your personal collection grow . If you ’ re passing through Winnebago , I welcome you to stop and visit . Just so happens we have a great bar-The Buzz Stop- right next to my shop and the owners really welcome new people into their bar . Hope to see ya all at an upcoming show . Until next time-Hamm It Up . Steve
Brewings is the official Brewsletter of the Schell ’ s Border Batch , Chapter # 83 of the Brewery Collectibles Club of America . Published quarterly for chapter members to keep up with chapter events and news . All materials in Border Batch Brewings are written by members of the Schell ’ s Border Batch Chapter , unless otherwise credited . No reimbursement is made for submissions . This publication is not copyrighted and material may be reprinted , provided credit is given to the author . The Schell ’ s Border Batch Chapter cannot be responsible for any errors which may occur . If you have anything you would like to contribute please send your newsletter article to : Schell ’ s Border Batch Tom Terwilliger 1501 180th Street LuVerne , Iowa 50560 Or send it e-mail to schellsguy @ borderbatch . com Any and all newsletter articles will be considered for publication in the Border Batch Brewings .
Chapter Officers
• President - Stevan Miner # 12802
• Vice President - Dave “ Big Bird ” Bullock # 35729
• # 35180
• Treasurer - Ted Stueber
• Secretary - Judy Terwilliger # F32049
• Newsletter Editor - Tom Terwilliger # 28855
Board of Directors
• Nick Dylla # 3 Year
• Gary Sprenger # 3 Year
• Steve Miner # 12802 2 year
• Tom Terwilliger # 28855 2yr
• Murray Srock # 9678 1 year
• Jay Martin # 16605 1 year
Dues are $ 10 per year for BCCA , NABA , ABA members . $ 15 for non-members . Social memberships are $ 10 . Due on Dec , 31 each year . Dues can be sent to Schells Border Batch , 1501 180th St . LuVerne , IA 50560
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