Winter 2022 | Page 71


[ Top ] Walking into married life like ... [ Below ] Christina cherished the wedding morning prep with her nearest and dearest . [ Bottom ] The couple infused their details and decor with touches of greenery .
“ The second we saw our venue , we knew it was the one ,” Romy enthuses . “ We felt a million miles away , but really , it ’ s just 20 minutes from Burleigh — and the owners were so welcoming and warm .” For styling cues , the couple took a deep dive into Pinterest . “ We both like a simple and clean aesthetic ,” says Romy . “ We wanted lots of nature , greenery and flowers around us . And I love fairy lights so we made sure we had lights everywhere .” And even knee-deep in preparations , the couple kept one non-negotiable front of mind . “ As long as we had each other , we were happy !” says Romy . Of course , nothing runs completely to plan with a global pandemic in the mix . “ We had to postpone our first wedding date due to Covid ,” Romy reveals . “ Then Troy ’ s best friends and close family couldn ’ t be there due to the restrictions and I had family that couldn ’ t make it from overseas and Sydney .”
But despite the curveballs , love remained the order of the day , with the couple commited to keeping the mood light . “ We had a really fun ceremony with our superrelaxed celebrant ,” says Romy , who arrived in the estate ’ s vintage LandCruiser . We hear it was quite the moment when she stepped out in her glorious princess-style gown ! The day moved into party mode in the estate ’ s hall , an intimate space where the newlyweds could enjoy good food , hilarious speeches , and dance floor shenanigans with their loved ones . The whole day carried an effortlessly magical mood that the couple attribute to their dream team of vendors . “ We hired Bree at Your Wedding Planner to help manage our day ,” says Romy . “ We couldn ’ t have done it without her and her team . queenslandbrides . com . au 71