Winter 2022 | Page 50

Who can say love at first sight is more than a romantic cliché ? Christina , for one , because it happened to her — at a wedding , no less ! “ The first time I saw Gerard , my heart skipped a beat ,” she recalls . “ But it wasn ’ t until later that we were introduced through mutual friends at the cinemas .” Turning that first glance into a first date kindled the flames of true love , with Christina crediting their rock-steady relationship to faith and friendship . “ We genuinely believe the friendship we built has created a firm foundation for us to navigate life together ,” she notes . When Gerard decided to pop the question on a romantic road trip to Byron Bay , he managed to catch his bride-to-be completely off guard . The unsuspecting Christina remembers being in her casual beach clothes while Gerard was in dashing formal attire , struggling to find the best spot on the beach to watch the sunrise . “ I went to take a photo of the incredible view and when I turned around , Gerard was down on one knee with a stunning ring asking me to marry him . Spoiler alert … I said YES ”, laughs Christina . From Byron Bay to the Scenic Rim , the couple found their ideal wedding venue in a charming country town .

[ Top left ] Just another perfect Scenic Rim backdrop ! [ Top ] With a Classic / Romantic mood in mind , Christina and Gerard were immediately smitten with the charm of White Chapel Kalbar . [ Above ] Christina and her crew toast the moment . [ Below ] Honouring faith and one another .
50 Winter 2022