John Stifter Steve Ebert , council member Tom Ollig , council member City Clerk-Treasurer Raquel Kirchoff , ex-officio City Administrator Neil Schlagel , ex-officio
Airport Commission
The purpose of the airport commission is to advise the city council on airport matters . Meetings take place quarterly ( Jan ., April , July , and Oct .) on the last Monday of the month at 5 p . m . at City Hall . Jeff Campbell , Chair Rick Stodola Brenda Vetsch Dave Hanus Jeff Albers , council liaison City services and ordinances
All-terrain vehicles ( ATVs )
The operation of all-terrain vehicles ( ATVs ) in the city is allowed by operators who are at least 16 years of age and have a valid Minnesota driver ’ s license , as long as the driver takes the most nonstop , direct route in and out of town . The ATV ordinance is available at city hall or on the city ’ s website at www . winsted . mn . us .
The residents of Winsted take extreme pride in the maintenance of their properties . As a result , the city has developed a blight ordinance , which restricts the storage of junk cars , tires , old construction materials , and other debris and garbage . If you feel there is a case of blight in your neighborhood , contact the police department .
Brush / compost site
The city maintains a location for city residents to dispose of brush and compost materials . Contact city hall for hours and location .
Building permits
Winsted has adopted the state building code . The city is provided building inspection service by MNSPECT , LLC .
Building permits are needed for various projects , including installing a furnace and air conditioning units , re-roofing , re-siding sheds , garages , and new construction . Should you have any questions regarding your need for a building permit , call city hall at 320-485-2366 or MNSPECT at 952-442-7520 .
Recreational fires
Recreational fires are allowed within the City of Winsted . Contact the city hall for guidelines .
City utilities
Cable : Cable television is available to all residents from Mediacom Cable
and TDS . If you want to connect to cable television or have any problems with cable television , call Mediacom at 800-332-0245 or TDS at 877-665-9990 . Digital channels 107.1 and 107.2 are the local public access channels in Winsted .
Electric : Xcel Energy , customer service : 800-895-4999 , emergency or lights out : 800-895-1999 ; HomeSmart : 800-238-7378 , business solution center : 800-481-4700 ; and McLeod Cooperative Power Association , customer service : ( 320 ) 864-3148 , after hour outages : 800-927-5685 .
Gas : CenterPoint Energy , customer service : 800-245-2377 , gas leak emergency : 800-722-9326 . Call Gopher State before you dig , 800-252-1166 .
Telephone : TDS Telecom provides local telephone service in Winsted at 320-485-4111 . TDS is located at 316 Pine Street , Monticello , MN , 55362 .
Garbage pickup
Garbage pickup is provided every Tuesday by Waste Management . Containers should be curbside by 7 a . m . The company provides 32- , 64- , or 96-gallon containers . Tags can be purchased from Waste Management for excess bags of refuse . Refuse charges are available from Waste Management . Contact Waste Management at 1-888-960-0008 or via e-mail at WVEservice @ wm . com for customer service needs .
Curbside recycling service
West Central Sanitation picks up recyclable materials every other Tuesday . Bins must be placed at the curb by 7 a . m . Recyclable materials include cardboard / boxboard , mixed paper , plastics , metals , and glass . For more information on recycling , contact Mc- Leod County Solid Waste at 1-800-335-0575 .
For a current listing of daycare providers in the area , contact McLeod County Social Services . McLeod County ’ s phone number is 1-800-247-1756 .
The amphitheater at Mill Reserve Park may be reserved for public and private concerts by calling city hall at ( 320 ) 485-2366
Winstedheraldjounal . com Winsted Community Guide | 2024 – 7 –