WinstedGuide2024-web | Page 6


Pictured from left to right , Councilmembers Tom Ollig , Jesse Cafferty , Mayor Steve Stotko , and Councilmembers Jeff Albers , Steve Ebert .
City Information
City Administrator – Neil Schlagel City Clerk-Treasurer - Raquel Kirchoff Deputy City Clerk - Amanda Zeidler Utility Billing Clerk – Madison Fiecke Police Chief - Justin Heldt Officers - Jim Lammers , Dan Moonen , & Lucas Caturia Public Works - Chris Bahr , Jamie Stotko , John Schlechter Building Inspector - MNSPECT , LLC . City Attorneys - Eggert & Gillis , PLLC ; Gavin , Janssen , Stabenow , & Moldan , Ltd .; Melchert , Hubert , Sjodin , PLLP Winsted Township : Michael A . Laxen , voting Brian Anderson , non-voting Hollywood Township : Kenny Johnson , voting Bruce Fillbrandt , non-voting Victor Township : Sean Groos , voting Joe Scherer , non-voting Woodland Township : Scott Salonek , voting Barry Pawelk , non-voting
Fire Department
Fire Chief - Troy Scherping First Asst . Chief - Todd Koch Second Asst . Chief - Aaron Millerbernd First Captain - Bryan Schaust Second Captain - Mathew Marketon Third Captain - Brandon Posch Fire Secretary - Ariana Vail Maintenance Supervisor - Brandon Posch
Park Commission
The purpose of the park commission is to advise the city council on the proper use of the parks , trails , and natural environment and policies covering recreation activities . In addition , the commission recommends an annual budget , reviews equipment needs , and plans for additional recreational opportunities in the area .
Park Commission meetings take place second Monday of each month at 5 p . m . in the council chambers unless noted otherwise .
Current members :
Marisa Fiecke Evelyn Fowler Tim Fury Jody Lenz Amy Schultz Steve Stotko , Council Liaison
Planning Commission
The purpose of the planning commission is to advise the city council on all land-use planning matters .
Meetings occur on the second Monday of each month at 6 p . m . in the council chambers unless noted otherwise .
The planning commission judges the Winsted Pride Award nominees . The award recognizes residential and commercial / industrial property owners who maintain their properties above and beyond normal standards .
Current members :
Marv Ebensperger , chair Jolynn Cafferty Tim Fury Mike Guggemos George Schulenberg Jesse Cafferty , council liaison Economic Development Authority Members of Winsted ’ s Economic Development Authority include : Leigha Bruns Jacob Schlagel Nancy Fasching
– 6 – Winsted Community Guide | 2024 Winstedheraldjournal . com