WINSON COMPETITIVE GUIDE Indian-born researcher Dinesh Bharadia (28) has won the prestigious 2016 Marconi Society Paul Baran Young Scholar Award for his contribution to radio waves. He was chosen for the award for his contribution to send and receive radio (wireless) signals, including mobile telephony and data on the same channel (wave). His duplex radio technology has disproved a long-held assumption that it is not possible for a radio to transmit and receive on the same frequency band because of the interference. Indian-American Abraham Verghese selected for National Humanities Medal 2015: Indian-American physician-author, Abraham Verghese (61) has been selected for the prestigious 2015 National Humanities Medal. President Barack Obama will bestow the honour upon Verghese along with 11 others recipient’s at a ceremony to be held in Washington on 21st September 2016. He has been selected for the prestigious award for reminding us that the patient is the centre of the medical enterprise. 26