best habits for 2017
# 7 Budget and track expenses.
Benjamin Franklin once said, "Beware of little expenses, a small leak will sink a great ship." It's easy to lose sight of little expenses, but they add up, especially when we fail to budget. Be sure to manage all of your expenses, and sweat the small stuff, so to speak.
When it comes to sound financial habits, this is an important one to have, and one that will lend itself to your future financial success.
# 8 Learn something new.
Educate yourself, and learn something new every single day. Commit to learning and improving your life,
whether it's by acquiring new skills or enhancing the existing skills you already have. From foreign languages to software programs and apps, you should carve out a small amount of time every single day to dedicate to this habit. Find something that's worthwhile learning and do just a little bit of it every single day.
# 6 Inspire yourself
It's often difficult to stay motivated for any considerable amount of time. We get discouraged and dissuaded from our goals when things arise in life that send us on tangents and veer us off track. But one of the absolute best ways you can stay motivated in life is to inspire yourself on a daily basis.
# 9 Save and invest.
No good habit list is complete without one that calls for saving and investing. We often overlook the necessity to save for the future because we're so busy living in the present moment.
But it's not just about saving. You have to invest the money that you save, and do so wisely. The more attention you pay to this now, the more your life will be replete with financial success in the future. .
You should also be sure to have at least six months worth of savings in your account to stave off any potential financial calamity in the future.
# 10 Organize.
Physical clutter results in a loss of focus. When our lives are disorganized and in a state of disarray, it's hard to stay focused on our goals. Take the time to organize your home and office, and do just a little each day to enforce this habit.