Winning Spirit Magazine September - October 2014 September - October 2014 | Page 9
This article is taken from a letter written by Dianne Allen, the stepmother
of Miller Motorsports Park employee, Natalie Allen.
My step-daughter, Natalie Allen, is in the 18-21 transition program
in Tooele, Utah. The transition program works with students who
are intellectually disabled (ID) and helps them become prepared
to enter the work force. They also work with local businesses to
provide internships and employment opportunities. Natalie was
hired by Miller Motorsports Park in the custodial department, and
this is her first paying job. She received her first paycheck, that
was only for a couple of days work, she then received her first
full paycheck of which she took $150 cash to put in her “piggy”
bank (she would correct me, it’s a dragon not a “pig”) to save
for college. But, she had the cash in her purse and went to work.
At the time, she didn’t have a locker or anything, and $120 was
stolen while she was at work. My husband and I had been out
of town at the time, and when we came back I helped her file a
report with security, who were very kind and concerned. I figured
that was the end of it—a tough way to learn a hard lesson. I told
her even people we like and trust can sometimes be dishonest, it
has happened to everyone and sadly it probably won’t be the last
time and to be very careful with her property.
Then, she learned the BEST lesson of all: PEOPLE ARE GOOD.
The men in the maintenance department heard about what
happened to Natalie, and they, along with Edgar and the custodial
department, pitched in and replaced her $120. WOW! We were so
impressed and touched by their kindness. I was so happy to talk
to her and explain that most people are good and are trying to
do the best they can just like her. Natalie made her famous apple
turnovers and brought them a thank you card.
Working at MMP has been
such a good experience
and confidence booster for
Natalie. Just five years ago,
she didn’t know how to get
on the internet, didn’t know
the days of the week, didn’t
cook or clean or do laundry.
Because of medication and
nonexistent “home schooling,
she couldn’t read, and had
been constantly told she
couldn’t do something or “that
part of her brain didn’t work.” She then came into an environment
where she was told, “You CAN do it,” “You ARE smart,” “You
can do it for yourself,” and “Why not?” She was taken off of her
medication, and has been seizure free. Natalie also enrolled in
school. The first year was tough, she struggled to learn, she didn’t
think she could do it, I kept telling her that “learning to read at 18
is hard for ANYONE, and stick with it.” She did, and now she’s the
bright, capable, hard working and enthusiastic sweetheart that we
all know was in there all along.
Natalie is a talented artist, strengthened by many different art
classes in school. Working at MMP has helped her talents bloom as
well. The day she learned she was hired at MMP, she came home
and boldly stated, “If they put a college out here that has an art
program, I’m GOING, I’m THERE!” I just laughed and said, “Okay,”
not realizing that statement would become a reality so soon. A
MMP employee, Natalie Allen
couple of weeks later we learned about a pilot program just
getting off the ground at Utah State University (USU). They had
some private donations and were able to launch Aggies Elevated
( and were taking applications. Natalie
applied, had an interview and was one of eight accepted! Our
Natalie is going to college and will study art, and she is the first in
her family!
Aggies Elevated is a comprehensive program that integrates
intellectually disabled students into the general college population,
living in the dorms, attending regular classes, and participating
in the events that make college life so fun. As a parent, it is so
rewarding to see others who see Natalie for what she CAN
do, and recognizing limitations and figuring out how to get
around them and get to the same destination as everyone else.
Technology is wonderful and will help Natalie a lot. She is currently
reading the 1818 version of Frankenstein as her first assignment,
with the aid of an electronic reader. After a visit this week to USU,
meeting all of the people involved (who are FANTASTIC) and
finding out how enthused and supportive the college is to have
the program there, we couldn’t be more excited! Natalie had
fun showing us around and even chiding us when she TOLD us
we were going the wrong way to get ice cream! They are doing
wonderful things at Utah State, and we know, when everybody
has access to education, everybody wins!
Since the time of the writing of her step-mother’s letter, Natalie
was the recipient of a full-ride scholarship to attend the Aggies
Elevated program at Utah State University.