Winning Spirit Magazine Q4 2022 | Page 3


Investing in Our Future
This issue ’ s Leadership Message from Dave Smith explores the future growth of the company .


Driven to Assist Utah for Ukraine
A simple call went out last spring to support refugees fleeing the conflict in Ukraine . The community ’ s response was awe-inspiring .


Making History
Salt Lake Community College names their new business school after Gail Miller .


This has been an exciting year for the Larry H . Miller Company . As you spend time reviewing this issue of Winning Spirit Magazine , you will quickly see how our transition into a new era is well underway .
As a company and family , we are more focused on building communities than ever . We build communities through our real estate platform and master-planned communities . We do it through our entertainment and sports businesses that offer exceptional experiences for our guests . We do it by compassionately caring for our aging population . And we do it by providing opportunities for people to build a better financial future .
We continue to be driven by our values . They are our foundation – a unifying theme – and they are at the heart of every decision we make . Our values are amplified by the way they are lived each day across the company . The stories and examples in this issue are a small snapshot of the many ways you live our values and enrich lives .
As we look back at 2022 , I ’ d like to thank you for your commitment to excellence . It takes a sustained , united effort to achieve our vision to be the best place in town to work and the best place in town to do business . I ’ m grateful for each of you – and for the impact you have on our business and our communities . Your role is critical , and we wouldn ’ t be successful without each of you bringing your best thinking and doing your best work .
While this has been an exciting , event-filled year , I look forward to the new year ahead . Each quarter , we will share the news , events , and milestones with you through the pages of this magazine . I hope you can take pride , as I do , in what we are able to accomplish together .
Steve Miller Chair , Board of Directors