Winning Spirit Magazine Q4 2022 | Page 2


The Engine that Drives Governance 07
Stewardship is a guiding value of the company and it drives the way the board of directors operates .
Welcome Debbie Brown 07
Our newest board member brings a wealth of experience in guiding multi-generational family businesses .
Our Commitment to Sustainability 10
Our stewardship to protect , preserve and sustain our precious resources for future generations .
The Top Stories of 2022 16
A look back at the events , news and stories that had a lasting impact on the company , community and culture .
A Year of Enriching Lives 20
The impact of Miller Family Philanthropy in 2022
Portfolio Company Recaps 24
LHM Real Estate - pg 24 ; Destination Homes - pg 26 ; Advanced Health Care - pg 28 ; LHM Megaplex Theatres - pg 30 ; SL Bees - pg 33 ; Prestige Financial - pg 36
News and Noteworthy 38
Highlights and accomplishments from the past year .
Company Life 44
Celebrate the ways employees live our values at work and out in the community .
lhmwsm . com
Q4 - October / November / December 2022 • Vol . 14 , Issue 4
Winning Spirit Magazine is the official employee publication of the Larry H . Company . Its purpose is to document important events and milestones , as well as share the successes and achievements of our employees as they exemplify the mission , vision , values , and guiding principles of the company . Please send your comments , questions , and article suggestions to winningspirit @ lhm . com .


Celebrating the Gift of Education
Twenty years ago , the Miller family began a scholarship program at the University of Utah that has had a lasting impact on students , their families and the community .