Winning Spirit Magazine Q1 2023 | Page 22

company life

Your “ Give Us Five ” Dollars at Work

December – February

Larry H . Miller ( LHM ) Charities donates to nonprofit organizations that help women and children who live in communities where the Larry H . Miller Company and its portfolio of businesses and investments operate . In recent months , LHM Charities contributed more than $ 61,000 to programs that assist women and children in the areas of health and education .

Through a grant to Citizens Against Physical and Sexual Abuse ( CAPSA ), victims of domestic abuse in Cache County are receiving mental health therapy free of charge . Funds also helped CAPSA after damage occurred when a ceiling pipe broke in the nonprofit ’ s outreach center . classes and then take books home to read aloud to their children . The program is part of an initiative to engage immigrant and refugee parents in their children ’ s education , and it helps families create a home library of books .
Community Health Centers provides medical , dental , and mental health care to those who are underserved . A donation from LHM Charities is helping the charity increase outreach to pregnant women and provide
A contribution to the English Skills Learning Center is supporting Parents Engaged in Everyday Reading ( PEER ), a program that fosters family literacy . Adult English learners attend literacy