Winning Spirit Magazine November - December 2018 | Page 4
Jay Francis (left) and LHMSE’s Mark Powell (right) present a donation to
Laurie Hopkins and the Discovery Gateway Children’s Museum.
Representatives of Nourish braved the summer heat in Tucson to receive a donation from LHM Charities.
LHM Nissan 104th joined forces with the Women’s
Bean Project to uplift and empower women.
A Year of Giving, A Season of Thanks
Message from Jay Francis, Executive Vice President, Corporate Affairs and Miller Family Philanthropy
First let me start this message by saying
thank you! Thank you to the more than
3,000 employees who participated in
Give Us 5 and donated over $358,000 from
their personal paychecks to Larry H. Miller
Charities. Thank you to Gail Miller, who
personally matches those donations so
we can do more charitable giving in the
communities where we all live, work, and
play. Thank you to the business entities for
your monthly contributions, and thank you
to the Automotive Group and the Sports &
Entertainment Group for hosting fundraisers
that helped to raise over $690,000 for Larry H.
Miller Charities. Well done!
Larry H. Miller Charities was able to donate
to more than 150 nonprofit and charitable
entities helping women and children in the
communities where we do business. Through
the donations from the employees, the business
entities, and the fundraisers, we made a
difference in the lives of thousands of people in
the seven states the LHM Group is based. We
helped homeless mothers get some mentoring
and dignity; we helped youth in disadvantaged
situations be able to enjoy the arts and cultural
activities; and we helped disabled children
attend camps with other kids and learn they
aren’t alone. We helped mothers get needed
supplies—like diapers, formula, comforters,
etc.—for their newborn babies. We helped kids
learn the value of gardening and nutrition, and
we helped children cope with tragic emotional
situations in their lives. Hundreds of kids and
youth were able to attend summer camps and
sports camps because of our donations. I could
go on with a list longer than this page because
of the generosity of those I mentioned earlier.
Giving back to the community makes a
difference. It strengthens the community, it
makes us better people, and it strengthens us
and our relationships with others. There is
something special and about giving back and
helping others. While the receiver certainly is
blessed and benefited, it is usually the giver
that gets more than anyone.
Thank you for making 2018 truly a “year
of giving!” ◆
“While the receiver certainly
is blessed and benefited,
it is usually the giver that
gets more than anyone.”
Jay Francis
2 LHM Winning Spirit November/December 2018