Winning Spirit Magazine November-December 2013 | Page 15

Mike Gerard (TCA) hit the target and the podium at the Huntsman World Senior Games In St. George, UT (Larry H. Miller Group was a sponsor of the event). He competed in Olympic Style and Freestyle Limited Recurve Bow categories. The Utah Jazz Dancers 2013-2014 team - which is sponsored this year by America First Credit Union. Larry H. Miller Volkswagen Tuscon made a donation to the Boys and Girls Club. Pictured L-R: Alex Cruz; Ricardo Campbell; Yvette Rackley; Daniel Salgado; Lorraine Morgan; James Wood; Albert Vega; Christ Knight; Kristin Angotto and Luis Tapia. Dwight Curry (bacon), Howard Courtney (Edward Scissorhands) and Louise Lopez (1950s teen) from ACD dressed up for Halloween. Employees from ATO also caught the Halloween spirit. Top from left to right: Corey Mello; Dominic Gonzales; Ruobei Jonsson; Kaitland Miyagishima; Amanda Risvic; Kaesha Crisman; Brad Wignall; Crissie Elwess; Bottom Katie Crutcher; Mike Pierluissi; Kamlesh Patel. Elijah Pacheco, son of ALH salesman Ernesto Espinoza, stops to take a picture with Orbit, the Isotopes’ mascot. ALH employees enjoyed a cool night at Isotopes Stadium cheering on Albuquerque’s minor league baseball team, the Isotopes. Send your company photos to: [email protected] The annual LHM Office Manager’s Conference was held at Stein Eriksen Lodge in Park Ci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?\??YH?X?[???\??X?X\?Y\?\?YX\???]?X??\? PS?H[??Y?H?????[???Z[??H?[??[?H]Z[[??Z[\?]Z[\???Z[[?Z[\?]Z[\?]?X?YH?X?? [?[X?\???Y\???[Y?\?[??]H?X????H[[?[??[?Y\??Z\?Y??\??H ?Z[\???\?]Y\?[??X?X[?[\X??]Z ???