Winning Spirit Magazine May-June 2016 | Page 2

MESSAGE FROM EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT JAY FRANCIS HAVE I DONE ANY GOOD TODAY? On my credenza is a ceramic tile with a message printed in vinyl letters. The title of the message reads, “Have I Done Any Good?” The last two sentences say, “When they needed my help was I there? If not, I have failed indeed.” Often in business, we measure success by number of units sold, or bottom-line growth, or by wins and losses. While it is important that we win games, increase our sales and improve our profitability, it is also important that we lift others and the communities where we live, work and play, as we build and grow the company. We have just completed another Larry H. Miller Day of Service. I love this day for several reasons. Lives are changed on this day. We help at food banks, Boys & Girls Clubs, shelters, city parks and neighborhoods in need of repair, and we assist with many other worthwhile and needed service opportunities. As we do, we change families, children, schools and communities. Lives are improved because we were there. As employees, our lives change too, while we serve those in need and assist organizations that help others. centers, assist local fundraisers, be an attentive neighbor or even just offer a kind word and a pat on the back. Giving back or sharing what we have is another aspect of service and building our communities. As employees, we have an opportunity through Larry H. Miller Charities’ Give Us 5 program to share a few dollars from our paycheck (along with the company we work for) and give back to the community. It takes every one of us sharing just a little to make a big difference in the lives of others. We often hear the words, “Be careful and don’t burn any bridges.” I agree with that, and I know a lot of people who have burned important bridges only to find later themselves regretting and wishing they had those relationships back. Let’s be “bridge builders” in our communities. Let’s endear the community to us. Bridges are used to cross deep chasms, rough waters, and to get us safely to our destination. Many times bridges will lead us to people we would never have met, and we make and create new bonds and friendships. As we donate our time and resources, we are building bridges that link us to the community and to business and civic leaders that will allow us to cross successfully into tomorrow and continue on our charted course. WHILE IT IS IMPORTANT THAT WE WIN GAMES, INCREASE SALES AND IMPROVE OUR PROFITABILITY, IT IS ALSO IMPORTANT THAT WE LIFT OTHERS AND THE COMMUNITIES WHERE WE LIVE, WORK AND PLAY... Serving in our communities should not be just a once-a-year event. After participating in Day of Service, each individual should take a moment to ask: “What can I do? Can I be a better neighbor, a better spouse, a better leader? Can I serve others less fortunate than I?” Then, start making a list of things that come to mind that would lift and build others. You could volunteer on local committees, help the Boy Scouts or the Girl Scouts, serve food at homeless LHM Group’s Guiding Principle #5: Go About Doing Good Until There’s Too Much Good in the World. Asking ourselves “Have I done any good in the world today?” is a great way of measuring how we’re applying the guiding principle in our daily lives. In addition to organized projects and participating in charitable causes, doing good in the world can be as simple as sharing a smile, holding the door open for someone or performing a simple act of service. While small or insignificant to us, our gift of time, service or kindness can make all the difference to someone in need. So I ask each of you these questions from the plaque in my office, “Have I done any good in the world today? Have I cheered up the sad and made someone feel glad? When they needed my help was I there?” Let’s make sure we take time to be of service and give back to our communities and serve others, for in the end, “If not, we have failed indeed.” WS Discussion ideas for managers, leaders and teams: 1. Whether you participated in an organized event and/or provided service on your own, what was your favorite part of the Day of Service? What was the most challenging or difficult part? 2. What causes or charities are close to your heart? These can range from local organizations to national groups. Make a list of the ways you can get involved. Are there ideas or projects your team/department could do to serve together this year?