Winning Spirit Magazine May-June 2015 | Page 16

President Blake Andersen, along with Megaplex Theatres staff, present a donation to Kostopulos Dream Foundation. (L-R) Blake Andersen, Mircea Divricean, Sean Gabbitas (MEG), Dan Knighton (MEG), Kristen Speakman (MEG), Dick Cornell (MEG), Mike Divricean, Terry Eyre (MEG). LHM CHARITIES MARCH-APRIL 2015 UPDATE Larry H. Miller (LHM) Charities assists nonprofits that help women and children in the communities where LHM companies In Arizona, a grant to the Tucson Jewish Community Center will help disadvantaged children participate in the group’s summer camps, which serve those of all denominations. A donation to Idaho Diabetes Youth Programs (Cam