Guest speaker, Alison Levine
Jonathan Miller
Jeff Jensen, Jensen CPAs, received
the Lifetime Achiement Award
with dignity, valued, and served the way you, we,
would all like to be treated.”
During the breakout sessions, the company
presidents gave reports on their various
business entities, sharing highlights from
the previous year and extending special
recognition and achievement awards to
multiple members of their organizations. MAO
President Dean Fitzpatrick reminded leaders
of the importance of taking a long-term view
and making decisions that reflect the company
values: “We not only want to be doing this in
the short term, but we want to be doing this for
many years to come, and your actions can have
a very big impact, not only on our own future
“The strength of this company
is its people and how they
embrace the culture.”
Clark Whitworth
but the future of many people you might not
be thinking about at the time.”
During the concluding session, CEO
Clark Whitworth shared his thoughts on the
conference and took a moment to reflect on his
30-plus years with the company. He reminded
leaders that they need to ask themselves what is
motivating them as they lead and make decisions.
“We may think we know where our heart is, but
do you know who truly knows where your heart
is? It’s those who work for you. They can read
you probably better than you can read yourself.”
Clark expressed his gratitude for the support
he has received from the Miller family and
throughout the Group of Companies during his
time with the company and as CEO.
Gail Miller brought the conference to a close
by reminding the leaders that with the changing
business landscape, we will continue to adjust and
adapt to the changing world without sacrificing
who we are or the way we do business. In her
words, “The future is bright. The future is ours.
We have nothing to fear. We have wonderful
people. We have great leaders. We have optimism,
and we have the right to have a good future.” ◆