Winning Spirit Magazine March-April 2019 | Page 6

Leadership Conference 2019 Honoring Our Past, Navigating Our Future S enior management and guests from across the LHM Group of Companies gathered for the annual Larry H. Miller Leadership Conference in Kauai, Hawaii, January 13-18, 2019. The theme for this year’s conference—Honoring Our Past, Navigating Our Future—drew its inspiration from the early inhabitants of the Pacific Islands, specifically the Kilo Hōkū who used the sun, sea, wind, and stars to navigate the vast ocean they traveled. Attendees learned how the company’s values are foundational to its past and serve as guideposts for the organization’s journey into the future. In addition to stirring conference addresses by company leadership, including Gail Miller, 4 LHM Winning Spirit March/April 2019 Clark Whitworth, and board member Robert The conference featured panel discussions Restrepo, the special guest speaker, Alison on the company’s past and future as well as the Levine, shared the leadership and life lessons importance of inclusion and diversity. Michael she learned while climbing to the top of Mount Montelongo, a member of the LHM Group’s board Everest. She reminded the leaders that “nobody of directors, observed, “It’s the obligation of those gets to the top [of Everest or a company] by of us in leadership positions to create a workplace themselves” and that “employees, from the day environment where everyone is respected, treated they start working for you, should feel empowered to “Having a reputation for integrity has think and act like leaders. Everyone has to take been the magic ingredient in our business. responsibility for looking It opens doors and draws in good people. out for the people around It drives respect, and it brings you honor.” them and helping the team move in the right direction.” Gail Miller