Utah Jazz employees and close friends Greg Tanner and Gary Hemmert.
Anyone who has spent time with the company is familiar
with the LHM Values of Stewardship, Integrity, Service, and
Hard Work. We see them posted on the walls of our off ices
and dealerships, and we actively work to implement them
in everything we do.
Putting those values into action was the main
focus at this year’s Leadership Conference
held in Washington, D.C. this past January.
Our nation’s capital has served as the seat of
American leadership for the last 242 years, and
it proved a fi tting and inspiring place to learn
about values-based leadership.
In the symbolic shadow of great leaders
like Lincoln, Roosevelt, Madison, and
Washington, leaders from our company learned
that knowing the values is not the same as
living and implementing them as part of our
day-to-day life. Th ey also learned that values
govern behavior and that behavior determines
Two guest speakers were invited to share
their ideas on values and leadership at the event.
Dr. Marshall Goldsmith, renowned executive
speaker and business coach, and General Hugh
Shelton, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
of Staff both shared their experiences from the
boardroom and the battl efi eld and how values
and leadership go hand in hand.