LHM Super Ford received the 2015 Ford Premier Club award for
outstanding part sales performance. Left to right: Vince Thurgood;
Tony Schnurr; Todd Rabourn, Ford Denver regional manager; Dee
Dee Boykin, Ford Western Area sales & marketing manager; Rick
Gunn; Ryan Southwick, Ford wholesale zone manager.
Employees took part in the Prestige Annual Flower Planting Day.
The event is held every Spring to help beautify the area in and
around Prestige’s building.
Jordan Goodrich, paint apprentice at LHM Collision Center Sandy,
medaled in the Skills USA State VICA Championship. Jordan is a
full-time student at Salt Lake Community College.
LHM Tucson Charities presented a donation to the TMC
Foundation Pediatric Therapies Division. Left to right: Ken Perkins
(TDR), Sarah Clarke (TDR), Brianna Petty (TDR), Erika Grasse
(TMC director of development).
Executive Fixed Miller Business Academy’s (EFMBA) Class of
2016: FRONT ROW (L-R): Dan Johnson , Liza Christensen,
Erik Anderson, Tim Thompson, Tim Urry, Todd Damanti,
Josh Bacca, Jennifer Reddington, Jared Cord, Travis Bila,
Chris Gasser, Tyrel Russell, Flip Torrez, Steve Duran, Pat Nicholes,
Dean Fitzpatrick BACK ROW (L-R): Josh Smith, Bill Brixey,
Riley Nichols, Roman Gelfand, Jim McNeal, Todd Pyper,
Lance Decker, Jerry O’Dell, Nick Crider, Russell Mattice,
Michael Gonzalez, Jorge Solis, Steve Cavanee.
Mary Marcelli and the accounting crew at Larry H. Miller Toyota
Corona commemorate the annual Red Nose Day; which helps
bring awareness to children living in poverty around the world.
Sarah Starkey (MAO) presents a donation to the Women of the
World, a charity that assists refugees.
For the 15th year in a row, Larry H. Miller Chrysler Jeep Dodge
Ram Sandy hosted the Mopar Car Show event on June 26, 2016.
Prestige and Total Care Auto held a groundbreaking ceremony
at the site of the finance and insurance companies’ new office
building in Draper, Utah, on May 6, 2016. Left to right: Scott Bates
(MFRE); Rich Hyde (PFS); CEO Clark Whitworth(MMC); Bryant
Henrie (PFS/TCA); and Robb Enger (TCA).