Winning Spirit Magazine July-August 2016 | Page 12

FOR JULY & AUGUST 2016 30 YEAR David Yau................................. MUR Brandon Ortiz......................... AMT Michael Call............................... LCJ Jeffrey Cristler....................... HOB Carolyn Niederhauser............ LCJ Diane Jenkins......................... AMT Marcene Gregory...................PNX 25 YEAR Mary Marcelli..........................MAO 5 YEAR 20 YEAR Charles Tauzer........................ AMT Chad Faber..............................CHV Maye Martinez..........................TCS Brent Barrett..........................MMC David Baca.............................. ACD Chris Carlin...............................CHV Mary Oveson.............................PFS Charla Hastings........................KJZ Sara Nickerson.........................PFS Paul Nygaard..........................MAO Michael Caldwell....................... LIT Donald Pate............................... LIT Zachary Smith.........................CHV Brian Walton.......................... AVW Brian Moody............................HYN Casey Cochrane..................... MUR Harrison Timothy.................. MUR 15 YEAR Kevin Whitlock.........................TCS Bradley Harris..........................CHV Julian Ulibarri......................... NHR Alvin Yuen................................ LEX John Forker............................. MEG Lori Hawkins...........................MAO Michael Best............................ STO Michael Wilkins.......................CHV Kenneth Piatt...........................ALH R. Clay Jensen..........................JAZ Brian Fouts.............................. HOB Jack Mills.................................... LCJ Jason Jackson......................... BTO Edmond Merza........................HYN 10 YEAR Aubri Harmon.......................... LEX Matthew Bolic..........................PFS Anissa Heape.......................... LMD Steven M. Warnick..................PFS Levi Cuaron............................. ACD Alexis Denucci..........................SFL Jerome Jones.......................... STO Brian Napaepae...................... ESA Arthur Villanueva...................CHV Joseph Kole Montoya............PFS Channon Foote........................PFS Steve Bell..................................BCD Bernice Martinez................... MEG Stephanie Angel................... AVW Kathryn Jensen........................MNI Terence Oefinger.................... LEX Zachary Ruiz........................... ACD Michael Berry...........................PFS Coby Albrecht........................MAO Brian Pendleton.......................PFS Amber Berger..........................PFS James R. Spruill...................... FNZ Michelle Canning.....................PFS Jana Shumway........................ LEX Kenneth Green II.................... STO Albino Mancinas................... AVW Kent Brenneman.....................PCH Jimmy Lam-Tiang.................. LEX Frank Hernandez....................PNX Nicholas Fontana.....................AFI Steven Howard........................CHV HEART AND SOLE MAKES BIG STRIDES FOR HEALTH The Sonic Boom Heart and Sole striding contest concluded on May 3, 2016, with more than 270 employees racking up some impressive numbers. Teams of 2-3 employees walked, ran or strode their way to more than 63 million steps over the four-week contest. Team MASH came out on top, averaging 415,452 steps during the contest. Joel Pino amassed the most individual steps with 705,049. CARING FOR AN AGING PARENT UNIVERSITY OF UTAH HEALTH CARE HEALTH TIP When Hall-of-Famer Jerry Sloan announced in April that he has Parkinson’s disease and Lewy body dementia, concern for his health and the affects of the diseases were brought under the spotlight. Sloan chose to go public about his illness because the Parkinson’s symptoms had become noticeable. Lewy body dementia is a neurological disorder whose symptoms include difficulty with memory and problem solving. After talking to his son, who is a doctor, Sloan decided to undergo neurological tests. As hard as it is to face, our parents are not the invincible heroes we believed them to be while growing up. They taught us how to ride a bike. They cheered the loudest when we were on the field. Our parents have been there through every one of life’s transitions, and at some point, it will be time to support them as they transition into their later years. Planning for your parent’s care should happen before such care is even considered needed. Make sure they have an up-to-date will, a durable power of attorney, a living will and a health-care proxy. Know their wishes about housing options, how they want their finances handled, and what medical interventions they would and would not want. Putting a good plan in place will make things a lot easier when the time comes. The signs that your parent needs assistance may be subtle. Maybe they’ve lost weight or have given up hobbies they used to enjoy. There may be more obvious signs as well, like an unkempt house, moldy food in the fridge, piles of bills and mail, or poor hygiene practices. Any of th