Winning Spirit Magazine July-August 2015 | Page 6

TOP LEFT: Dean Fitzpatrick driving off the tee. CENTER TOP: Miran Maric, Pete Orlando (Gubagoo), John Canales (, Jarred Black. CENTER BOTTOM: Lenox Finlayson (CUDL), John O’Bryan, Brent Wood, Sean Kopac (BASF). ABOVE: Ty Leuthold, with Dean Fitzpatrick, won the long drive competition. AUTOMOTIVE GROUP DRIVES FOR CHARITY General managers, staff and Miller Automotive Operations senior management from all seven states descended on Salt Lake City for the annual MAO Leadership Conference June 7-10, 2015. The Leadership Conference presentations covered a wide range of topics including an automotive market update, digital marketing’s role in the dealership, fixed operations opportunities, and best practices in the sales process. The event also featured the fourth annual Larry H. Miller Dealerships Golf Classic, bringing in more than 50 vendors and LHM business partners from all over the country. The tournament raised more than $150,000 to support LHM Charities and other charitable and community programs in the markets where the LHM Dealerships operate. WS photos See all the photos and video from the Golf Classic at: BOY SCOUTS EARN AUTOMOTIVE BADGE SERVICE TECHNICIANS VOLUNTEER TIME AND GIVE GUIDANCE On Saturday, April 11, 2015, LHM Dodge Ram Avondale held its first monthly class to help Arizona Boy Scouts earn their Automotive Maintenance merit badges. Fifteen enthusiastic boys participated in the inaugural event, wearing protective eyewear and getting their hands dirty, as service technicians guided them through the Boy Scouts’ 15-page auto repair manual. LHM Dodge Ram Avondale Service Director Rick Stubbs spearheaded the clinic and the store’s service technicians volunteered their time for the two-hour class, which taught the boys everything from how to use an impact wrench to car care fundamentals. The Scouts eagerly worked their way through each task, asking insightful questions and learning the necessary skills needed to pass the upcoming Automotive Maintenance merit badge test. “The mission of our company is to enrich lives,” said Rick Stubbs. “We achieve true success when we positively impact others and the communities where we live, work and play. We look forward to providing this opportunity for our local Boy Scouts to learn automotive maintenance and earn their merit badge.” Stubbs’ goal is for each monthly session to host between 10-15 Boy Scouts, who are required to be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Larry H. Miller Dodge Ram Avondale provides all necessary safety equipment for e