Winning Spirit Magazine July-August 2015 | Page 11

New Mexico GMs Ernie Riach, Alex Peters, J.R. Malouff and store manager Flip Torrez presented a donation to Crossroads for Women. The program gives children who have been homeless or transitioned in and out of relatives’ homes or state custody the opportunity to bond with their mothers, who also participate in the program. LHM CHARITIES MAY-JUNE 2015 UPDATE Larry H. Miller Charities distributes donations in the communities where Miller companies conduct business, and contributions are focused on nonprofit programs that help women and children in the areas of health and education. In Phoenix, Arizona, funding was given to Boys Scouts of America to sponsor an automotive merit badge. Support was also granted to Streetlight USA, which treats youths who are victims of sex trafficking. Tucson donations went to a Lions Club program that provides glasses to low-income children, and to The Haven, a women’s substance abuse treatment center. Contributions to the Action Center and Food for Hope in Denver, Colorado, furnished underprivileged children with school supplies and backpacks of food. A donation was also made to Ronald McDonald House. Community Action Development in Boulder received support for a program that helps lowincome families. National Hemophilia Foundation Idaho was granted funding for its family summer camp program. Contributions made in Spokane, Washington, benefited an MDA youth camp and the Spokane Guilds’ School & Neuromuscular Center. Women and children near Albuquerque, New Mexico, benefited from donations to Crossroads for Women, Loving Thunder Therapeutic Riding, Boys & Girls Clubs of Central New Mexico, Amity Foundation, Abrazos Family Support Services, CLNkids and Megaplex Duke City Dream Lab. Theatres presented a check to the Erin Kimball Foundation, which provides services to domestic violence victims in southern Utah. In Utah, contributions were made to the Erin Kimball Foundation, which assists domestic violence victims, and A Center for Grieving Children, which provides grief counseling to children and families. Other Utah charities that received support include Intermountain Specialized Abuse Treatment Center, The Salvation Army, Intermountain Spina Bifida Support Group, Utah Film Center, Camp Kesem, Timpanogos Storytelling Festival, PJ’s Forgotten Children, Mountainlands Community Health Center, MDA, University of Utah, Box Elder Family Support Center and more. STATE AZ AZ AZ AZ CO CO CO CO ID NM NM NM NM NM NM NM UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT WA WA DONATION RECIPIENT BSA Grand Canyon Council Streetlight USA The Haven Tucson Breakfast Lions Foundation Community Action Development Jeffco