Winning Spirit Magazine July - August 2013 July - August 2013 | Page 16

WINNING SPIRIT IN ACT PRESTIGE TAKES OUT TR On Friday, May 3, 2013, managers from Prestige Financial descended with bags on the frontage road that separates their office from I-15 in Salt Lake of what appeared to be several years’ worth of accumulated debris. Bryant Henrie, chief operating officer, deflected credit for the effort. “Prest employees, like those throughout the Miller Group, take a great deal of prid work and their workplace, so it didn’t surprise me when this materialized o from them, without my involvement. “Fifth West serves in effect as our driveway,” Henrie continued, “and this w a blight for the neighborhood. So what was the team going to do, keep ho magically disappear someday?” The activity, which was coordinated with city officials and lasted the bette afternoon, yielded three truck beds piled high with garbage. “We did distribute gloves to those who helped out, although hazmat suits m in order,” noted Mark Whitworth, operations coordinator who oversaw the VITALITY UPDATE: VITAL VOICES On February 20, 2013, Cody Belnap of Prestige Financial participated in a blood drive through ARUP to support the community and earn Vitality points. “I never thought that doing something as simple as donating blood for Vitality points would turn into something awesome,” shared Cody Belnap. “I was sitting at work when I received a phone call from ARUP. They said that my blood type was a match to an eight-year-old boy that was having a heart transplant on Sunday and asked if I would be willing to donate blood on Saturday. I told the ARUP contact that I would love to and would be very happy to help in any way. The ARUP contact thanked me so much for the help and stated that the little boy would be very happy to know that I was willing to help. It is amazing to know that something so little, like donating blood for Vitality points, could end up affecting a little boy’s life. It was a great learning opportunity of how important donating blood can be.” WS