Message from Gail Miller
A Season of Giving
s 2017 is put in the history book and the
new year becomes the focus of our hopes
and dreams, it’s important to take a few
minutes to reflect on the accomplishments of
2017. As I do so, I’m overcome by a wave of
gratitude for each of my blessings: my spouse,
my family members, our employees and
associates, and all the good people who are
a part of my life. I hope you will take time to
reflect a bit on your blessings as well.
The Larry H. Miller Group has grown and
prospered during 2017 and Larry’s charge
to “go about doing good until there is too
much good in the world” has found even
more meaning as our ability to do good
increases. Because of your efforts, we have
been able to accomplish a great deal of good
as a company.
During this past year, we have taken
significant steps to help those around us who
are in need in many ways. We have helped
school children with much-needed school
supplies; families with medical challenges;
provided education for hundreds of women
and children who are in need of special
resources to make their lives better. And we
have helped with recovery efforts during the
floods in Texas and the fires in California.
The list is quite long and significant.
We have also focused our attention on
one area of extreme need: the homeless
population. We are ever mindful of those less
fortunate than ourselves and cannot afford
to turn our back on this group of people. It
is sobering to realize that so many of our
fellow citizens have to struggle every day just
to survive. The homeless are our brothers
and sisters who happen to find themselves in
unfortunate circumstances, facing significant
challenges. We have donated $10 million
to the effort to help them. Because of this
donation, we are giving them hope for a
better life.
While it is good to be grateful for what we
have, it is even better to show that gratitude
through our opportunity to give help. Every
day I see situations where we can make life
better through our ability to serve and to
provide resources that will enrich the lives of
many people.
My feelings of gratitude include each of
you who come to work every day and do your
best to make the Larry H. Miller Group of
Companies the best company in town to do
business with and the best company in town
to work for. As a result of your good works,
we have created a workplace that is known for
integrity, hard work, service, and stewardship.
This reputation makes people want to do
business with us. When they do business with
us, we are able to use our resources to create
opportunities for those less fortunate and
help them in many ways. So, you see, we are
all in this together. We all make a difference.
We all have an opportunity to help. Thank
you for that!
Thank you for making our company
a better company. Thank you for enriching
my life and the lives of my family. I hope
your life has also been enriched along the
way. I appreciate how you treat our customers
with the utmost respect, courtesy, and
professionalism. You are the face of the
Larry H. Miller Group. You are the best! I am
grateful for each one of you. May you enjoy
great blessings throughout the new year. ◆
LHM Group Mission: To Enrich Lives.
The Larry H. Miller Group of Companies
While many in the business world would measure success by
profits, growth, and assets, we believe that we achieve true
success when we positively impact our employees, customers,
vendors, and the communities around us. It’s a notion that
Larry and Gail Miller lived by long before they were “successful.”
Enriching lives can be as simple as offering a friendly smile to
customers and coworkers or as involved as our annual Day of
Service. What’s important is that we make enriching lives part of
who we are in our daily lives.
Gail Miller, Owner of LHM Group of Companies
“While it is good to be
grateful for what we have,
it is even better to show
that gratitude through our
opportunity to give help. ”
Gail Miller
Discussion ideas for managers, leaders, and teams:
1. As we look back on a season and year of giving and
enriching lives, which were your favorite events?
What plans does your team/department have for
enriching lives in 2018?
2. Has someone recently enriched your life or done
something to make you feel special/important? How
did it make you feel? Did their action(s) make you
want to do the same for someone else?