Wingin' It - Arlington Municipal Airport Newsletter Wingin' It - Issue 12 - July 2018 | Page 4

Arlington Municipal Airport Newsletter Folks on the Field—David Setzer (cont’d from Page 1) interested in learning to fly, but not sure where to start. He also assists with the EAA’s Young Eagles pro- gram, which provides free flight opportuni es for youth ages 8 and 17, as well as the Challenge Air organi- za on, which takes special needs kids up. When Elisa Burum, AISD Orienta on & Mobility Specialist, recently contacted the Airport for help finding a pilot who could speak to her visually impaired students, and provide a plane they could touch, EAA Chapter 34 President, Jerry Ritchey, knew that David would be eager to help. “David is an FAA Master Pilot and has a beau ful airplane. He's also very good with kids. I know, because he gets along with me pre y well.” Jerry said. The kids had a great me. Shanna Allen, AISD Orienta on & Mobility Specialist, said “It was perfect! David was AWESOME at explaining things and giving them hand over hand instruc on on how everything works. Aircra Walk-around Adventure was their favorite event of the week.” David will be participating in the Cherokees to Oshkosh Mass Arrival at EAA Airventure later this month, fly- ing in formation with over 30 other Cherokee pilots to the event. Flying in formation requires the ability to hold airspeed and altitude with very close tolerances, high speed taxi and flying 20 feet off the deck. For more information on Oshkosh Airventure, please visit For more information on the organizations mentioned, please visit: CASA Angel Flight EAA Chapter 34 Eagle Flights/Young Eagles Challenge Air Comments or Sugges ons for Upcoming Newsle ers? . T 4 817-459-5570