Wingin' It - Arlington Municipal Airport Newsletter Wingin' It - Issue 1 - December 2013 | Page 2
Wingin’ It
Arlington Municipal Airport Newsletter
1st Qtr 2014 (cont’d.)
ATC Matters
Tim Wollenburg, ATCT Manager, wanted to pass along this information for those
of you that might not be receiving it. Please click on the link below to read the
latest issue of Callback, a monthly safety newsletter produced by ASRA (Aviation
Safety Reporting System).
Up to the Challenge—Keeping the Airport Open During Inclement Weather
The ice event in early December brought the Metroplex to a standstill, but Operations staff worked around the clock clearing the
runway and taxiways. Through preparation and hard work, our Airport conditions rivaled DFW’s and Love Field’s throughout the
event. We will continue to add and upgrade equipment as budget allows; however, with our limited ice and snow removal capa-
bilities, it has become evident we must set priorities.
Heavy Ice or Snow Priorities
Runway – At Least 50’ Wide
Taxiway A
Taxiway D
FBO Ramp and Gate
Terminal Ramp and Gate
Remaining Ramps and Gates as conditions allow.
First Priority Order
East Taxiways and Taxiway H
FBO and Terminal Ramp
Second Priority
Gates and Access Roads
All Ramps – North to South
MALSR Project Nears Completion
The final 1,000 ft of the MALSR (Medium Intensity Approach Lighting System with Rails) is almost complete. A flight test is sched-
uled for the first week of March, and a NOTAM will be issued notifying pilots when the system is available.
The Airport made an initial request for an ILS in 2002, and in 2009, Congressman Barton helped secure legislation that provided
funding for the project. Construction on the initial MALSF system was completed in late 2010, but a change in FAA policy made the
1,000 ft. extension necessary, in order to maintain the minimums. The ILS is will be maintained by FAA technicians from Love