Do you see this changing any time soon?
No. 3 is the magic number as they say. Quads have one
fin too many and lack a centre fin, twins also lack a
centre fin unless you like the unpredictable behaviour. On
the contrary, more brands are moving to tri fins now and
also in the surfing world tri fins are still at it and they are
not as well developed as ours. Sometimes it is better not to jump on the
bandwagon but first wait and see where it
leads to make sure these new ideas get
customer proven.
We hear on the grapevine you’re dabbling with a
freeride design? Any closer to getting that sorted? What are you doing differently, if anything,
with this?
Yes. We made one proto on request of a customer and we
talked a lot about how he wanted it to work and he is very
happy. I want to make some more to have here in my
rental centre and to test myself and when the feedback is
consistently good we ll bring them out in a semi-custom
range. We’ve also made a slalom board on request
recently, which will follow the same route. Also working on
freeride/free race sails. Not much really. I had a customer who already had a
Chakra and loves it but his freeride boards were always
going soft. So he asked me to make one and he explained
the boards he liked and didn’t t like for the pretty choppy
conditions he regularly sails. So I more or less used the
board he liked best as an example with some small
changes/guesses as I did not see it in the flesh. But it did
come out very nice according to the customer.