WindsurfingUK Issue 9 December 2018 | Page 56

56INTERVIEWBOUKE BECKER Is it then a case of incremental changes to things like rails, rocker and tail shape or do you usually nail it one? Because I usually take a lot of time playing with it in my shaping program I often nail it in one. The shaping program really is a good tool. From there over the years there can be some incremental changes and fine tuning. Sometimes you have something new like the stubbie wave shapes. I have not jumped into this but wanted to learn more and tested some of them. Sometimes it is better not to jump on the bandwagon but first wait and see where it leads to make sure customers gets something proven. My boards last a long time so the shape has to be more timeless. As I said earlier, there are some benefits of having a rounded/tapered outline like a bigger wind range, the board can adapt the needed planing area to its speed better due to having a wider planing area up front to get planing and a reduced width in the tail to have more control and speed once you are planing. Plus the tapered outline gives a faster reaction to initiate a turn so with our compact shape the Reaper, I did not want to go too extreme and loose too much of these benefits. uk WIND SURFING Witchcraft have stuck to their guns in terms of fin configurations over the years – at least with wave boards in mind. Why do you consider the thruster 2+1 set up to be the best? I do not consider A thruster 2+1 set up the best but OURS. I prefer to call it tri fin as with our fins you can play around with fin sizes as you please, the only common thing being having three fins. A trifin set up has the most benefits but is also the most sensitive to the right angles of the side fins. If you do not get the angles right you get excessive drag and can’t turn as well. The bigger the side fins, the bigger these negative effects. You need to know what happens with the flow under a board, we did extensive research to this by CFD and underwater filming. With the flow optimised set up we can play with fin sizes as we please, three equalish sized fins or 2+1 in any combination, even with a smaller centre fin if you want it really slashy. Tests have even showed that for B&J sailing our 2+1 set up is faster than a single fin on any reach with more control and manoeuvrability.