WindsurfingUK issue 10 March 2019 | Page 13

13 Pumping sequence Right time right skill • • • • • • • To create the ‘pump’, pull in and down with the clew hand to bring the clew towards the centre line. As the sail resists, lock an extended front leg to drive the board forward. As the clew comes in, it’s imperative to force the mast forward in a scooping action ready for the next pump. Throughout, ‘try’ to keep the hips high, body locked tight and still! Once planing, immediately adopt a Straight 7 ‘lift & lock stance! If it is windy enough you can sink down hard in the harness to increase mast foot pressure. But more often than not, rig back, body forward is the secret recipe too getting going quickly. Strong wind early planing! This might sound like a contradiction in terms, but actually it’s just as important. In strong winds, you still want to get going early, but you want control, so sink into that Sunken 7 ‘Drop & Push’ style stance. Body back, rig forward to get low and drive that board flat and forward and marginally downwind! As the board pops on to the plane, lock into the harness, into the straps, rig back, body forward. Strong wind pumping If you’re lucky enough to be nicely powered up, then drop lower than your low calorie pumping position and whip that clew hand IN as your force the mast hand FORWARD. Once the board accelerates ‘sink down and OUT in the harness and push the board away from you with the front leg to get outboard. If it stalls, get that look and lean going. Gybe exits The moment after switching the feet and releasing the rig is when ‘non planers’ stand up. If you want more control and even the slightest hope of exiting with speed, work on that low ‘Sunken 7’ stance to help get that board to accelerate. uk WIND SURFING