Winchester Magazine Winter 2019 1974_Winchester_Magazine_Winter_Edition_18_Web_AW | Page 6

CHRISTMAS MARKET AND ICE RINK 2019 Open from Thursday 21 November Explore one of the best Christmas Markets in Europe, renowned for its high quality exhibitors and bustling atmosphere, before skating on the spectacular real Ice Rink in the shadow of Winchester Cathedral. Ice Rink tickets available from £6.95. Book your Ice Rink tickets today from the Cathedral Box Office 01962 857276. S A N TA S P E C I A LS ING UEU N O Q S A N TA E E S TO U IT YO IL L V IS E AT S HE W R U IN YO 83a1b2 R I D E W I T H SA N TA F OR A M AGI CAL C H R I ST M A S E XP E RI E NCE B O O K T I C K E T S AT WAT E R C R E S S L I N E . C O. U K