WIN Annual Reports April 2019 Midyear Report | Page 5
2 0 1 9 M I D YE AR RE P O RT
Washington Interfaith Network
(WIN), founded in 1996, is a broad-
based, multi-racial, multi-faith,
strictly non-partisan, District-wide
citizens’ power organization, rooted
in local congregations and
associations. WIN is committed to
training and developing
neighborhood leaders, to addressing
community issues, and to holding
elected and corporate officials
accountable in Washington, DC.
WIN’s 38 dues-paying members
represent 25,000 families in every
section of the District and reflect its
theological, racial, geographic, and
economic diversity.
WIN has successfully organized
around after-school programs,
neighborhood safety, homelessness,
affordable housing, family-sustaining
jobs, transit, immigrants' rights, and
more for over 20 years!
Did you know that WIN is part of the
Metro Industrial Areas Foundation
(IAF)? IAF is the nation's first and
largest network of multi-faith
grassroots community organizations.
IAF member organizations boast
over seven decades of winning tough
political battles across the nation.
Metro IAF has local affiliates in
Northern VA, Montgomery County,
Howard County, Baltimore, Anne
Arundel County, as well as in other
cities on the East Coast and in the
Midwest. Our affiliate BUILD pushed
politicians in Baltimore to pass the
first living wage law in the country.
In Massachusetts, GBIO mobilized a
grassroots army for the creation of
universal health care. Both efforts
became national models for just
social policies. Learn more at Metro-