Williamson Student Handbook 2023-24 | Page 55

Student Traditions
Students are expected to follow a few traditions that have been passed down from one class to another : no one may walk on the college seal in the Rowan Hall lobby ; underclassmen must use the left stairway on the Rowan Hall center staircase , while Seniors alone may use the right staircase .
Access to Buildings
At no time may students have access , without authorization , to any room , building , or portion of a building which is locked , or any building or area not assigned for authorized student activities . A Williamson ID card serves as the key to an increasing number of campus buildings .
ID Cards
Student ID cards must be visible at all times when on campus or when representing the college off campus and must be presented to any authorized college official upon request . Student ID cards serve as the student ’ s key to his dormitory as well as many campus buildings . Students inside their shop building may keep their ID in their shop locker but must have it on their person any time they leave the shop . When returning to campus at night , students must present their ID cards to the security guard .
If a student loses his ID card ( or it is stolen ), he must report it lost / stolen , either by phone or email PRIOR to any ID check , whether at the guard house or by any other Williamson supervisor and take the necessary steps to replace the ID card , or he will be issued points for not having his ID card . The replacement fee for a lost ID card is $ 20 .
Medical Insurance
All students must have current / active medical insurance to retain their scholarships . On a routine basis , the Director of Health Services will verify each student ’ s medical insurance , confirming that the policy is still active , and that the student is still a covered member under the policy . Students are required to update Health Services immediately if they undergo a change of insurance . Students may not attend Williamson without medical insurance and students found to be uninsured may be dismissed .
Personal Property
The college does not insure , and is not responsible for , the personal property of students . Students must lock their belongings in college-provided lockers ( wooden wardrobes or closets ).
Property Damage
Students are expected to be responsible in the use of college property ( facilities , equipment , etc .). Students who neglect to use proper care with property will be liable to citation for conduct code violations as follows : neglect ( 4 or 8 points ), gross negligence ( 16 to 32 points ), and willful negligence ( 32 points to dismissal ). In addition , if the damage to college property involves gross and / or willful negligence , the student may be required to make monetary restitution for the damaged property at contractor rates ( whether or not a contractor performs the repair ).
College Vehicle Safety
Students in a college vehicle or on machinery equipped with a seatbelt are required to use the seatbelt on and off campus . Students who fail to do so are subject to 4 points for the first offense and 8 points for subsequent offenses .
Students may not engage in horseplay . Points will be administered according to the nature of the horseplay and the extent of any damage caused by the horseplay .