Williamson Student Handbook 2024-25 | Page 8

Health Services is unavailable , the student must report to the Vice President of Student Affairs ( or , in his absence , the Vice President of Academic Affairs / Chief Academic Officer ).
5 . Students who are seriously ill or who are sent to their dorm during the day are restricted to their dorm room until 4:30pm that day ( except for bathroom use and meals ) and remain restricted to the dorm itself until the next Morning Lineup ( or , on a Weekend Dismissal day , until Weekend Dismissal ). Once confined to their dorm room , students may NOT return to class or shop that day . Students may not use a pass from Health Services to work on academic assignments , may not take an Overnight Leave , and may not participate in any extracurricular activity for the next 24 hours . Students are not required to report to Evening Lineup , but on Fridays , must report to Weekend Dismissal .
6 . All students must use breaks , days off , and evenings to arrange for routine medical , dental , and vision care appointments . Students may be allowed time away from the academic day for such appointments if approved by the Vice President of Student Affairs , or Vice President of Academic Affairs / CAO in his absence . Students who did not receive authorization may receive disciplinary action .
7 . Students who go home for the weekend or breaks and are unable to function because of illness or injury must follow the procedure for reporting a student absence ( see “ Student Absences ”). Additionally , he must be physically evaluated by a physician during the absence and provide medical documentation to the Administrative Assistant for each day of absence . The student must be at Morning Lineup on the “ return to class ” date on his excuse .
8 . If a student returns to campus from a doctor ’ s appointment during the academic day , he must check in with the Administrative Assistant and then return to class or shop . If a student is going to be absent for more than one day , he ( or a family member ) must contact the Administrative Assistant with daily updates . If a student fails to provide documentation within 24 hours of his return to campus , he will be cited for neglect of duty ; if documentation is submitted within five academic days , the infraction will be reduced to partial neglect of duty .
9 . When a student ’ s health concerns present a potential safety problem in shop , class , work site , or dorm , the Director of Health Services will notify a student ’ s instructors , work supervisors , Dormitory Manager , or other relevant supervisors .
10 . If a student requests an exception from a college rule for medical reasons , ( e . g ., wearing dress shoes while in an orthopedic boot ) he must :
• Provide written documentation from his physician to the Director of Health Services .
• Obtain a Williamson-issued note outlining his limitations from Health Services ( or Vice President of Student Affairs ) which the student must carry at all times during the day and during Grounds Detail . It is the student ’ s responsibility to obtain this limitation note .
11 . Attempts to use Health Services as a means of avoiding responsibilities puts the student at risk of disciplinary action .
12 . Any student in possession of a prescription medication ( painkillers , antibiotics , etc .) must register all such medication with the Director of Health Services and keep all such medication locked up at all times . Students may never have a prescription medication in their possession which belongs to someone else .
13 . Any student who is excused by the Director of Health Services due to illness and is unable to complete an assigned detail must notify the detail supervisor immediately . If a student is unable to do so due to his medical condition or direction from Health Services , he must notify the Office of Student Affairs immediately .
14 . All injuries sustained on campus must be reported to the immediate supervising authority ( shop