Williamson Student Handbook 2024-25 | Page 7

• Health Care Decisions : Students have the right to participate in decisions which are made regarding their health care and treatment . This will include appropriate alternatives to care when requested .
• Confidentiality of Records : Written permission is requested before releasing information or records to anyone not directly connected with your care .
Williamson expects students to :
• Provide Accurate Information : Be honest and direct . Provide full information about your symptoms or problems to allow proper evaluation and treatment .
• Seek Understanding : Make sure you understand and agree with the treatment plan . If you find care or course of treatment unacceptable for any reason , it should be discussed with the Director of Health Services . If unsure , please ask !
• Be Compliant : Following your treatment plan is an important part of reaching and maintaining optimal health . Contact the Director of Health Services if your condition worsens or does not follow the expected course . Do not give medication ( prescribed for you ) to others .
• Practical Good Health Habits : Become informed about healthy and safe behaviors . Know your body and recognize early warning signs before you become ill .
• Be Courteous : Show courtesy and respect to health care providers and other patients . If you are unable to keep an appointment , cancel , or reschedule , so that the time may be given to someone else .
Health Services follows the guidelines of the American College Health Association , expecting students to accept responsibility for their own health and to realize that wellness and maintenance of good health habits should be a way of life . The Director of Health Services provides appropriate care or referral for illnesses and injuries that occur during the academic day . Anyone requiring emergency treatment should report to Health Services immediately . Williamson accepts no responsibility for students who return from weekends or breaks unable to fulfill the required daily schedule . The college may assist students with their transportation and medical care as needed . Regulations from the college ’ s Conduct Code apply in Health Services . Health Services standard policies and protocols are outlined below .
1 . Williamson immunization requirements are consistent with the recommendations of the American College Health Association , Pennsylvania Department of Health , and the U . S . Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC ). Students requesting an immunization exemption must follow all the provisions of the college ’ s policy letter available online through Blackbaud for current students or through the office of the Vice President for Enrollment Management for incoming students . The administration will review each exemption request on a case-by-case basis . Williamson reserves the right to deny any immunization exemption .
2 . All medical expenses are the responsibility of each student and his parent ( s )/ guardian ( s ) as indicated in the student ’ s enrollment agreement .
3 . Every student is required to have current medical insurance to attend Williamson . Verification of an active medical insurance policy will be made periodically during the student ’ s tenure at the college . Students must carry their current insurance card while on campus . When a student ’ s insurance changes , he must immediately provide a copy of the new insurance card to the Director of Health Services . Failure to comply with this requirement may jeopardize a student ’ s continued attendance at the college .
4 . All students must report to Morning Lineup , Chapel , and classes / shop ; students who fail to do so are AWOL . Students who are seriously ill must report to the Officer of the Day ( OD ) at Morning Lineup who will determine where the student should report . If the OD excuses the student from Chapel , the student must report to Health Services at 8am . If the Director of