Williamson Student Handbook 2024-25 | Page 5

The goal of the Williamson Man is to serve others , not himself . He is outwardly oriented and looks for , recognizes , and labors to meet the needs of others . He finds joy in serving his loved ones and neighbors , believing all of humankind to be his neighbor .
The Williamson Man earnestly seeks to embody the Core Values in their daily lives as it best exemplifies what it means to be a truly useful and respected member of society .
Each student is a valued , significant part of Williamson College of the Trades . To that end , the administration , staff , and faculty of the college are committed to :
� Living out the college ’ s values : faith , integrity , diligence , excellence , and service . �
Providing students with a well-rounded general academic education and thorough training in trade and technical skills .
� Treating students fairly , with dignity and respect . � Providing an environment that does not tolerate discrimination . �
Informing students about rules and requirements that affect their education , training , and daily lives as Williamson students .
Encouraging students to reject illegal or immoral rules , requirements , suggestions , or requests from anyone .
� Providing students the freedom to report improper or immoral behavior to the proper authorities without fear of reprisal .
At Williamson , all individuals who make-up the Williamson team--administration , staff , faculty , and students--are responsible for participating in the college ’ s accountability process :
Expectations created : The appropriate authorities will establish all expectations . The expectations will be documented and available to anyone affected by them .
� Expectations taught : Expected behavior will be taught and demonstrated to affected students . �
Expectations practiced : Appropriate opportunities will be offered for students to practice expected behavior in non-threatening learning and studying environments .
Expectations observed : Expectations will be used as the standards against which student behavior and performance are evaluated and documented .
� Expectations reinforced : Evaluated performance will be reinforced through appropriate positive and negative rewards .