Williamson Student Handbook 2024-25 | Page 35

10 . Violations of the cell phone or headphones policies
11 . Disrespect toward any college official is no less than an 8-point offense . Circumstances may warrant an increase in the points assigned .
Examples of disciplinary points issued for minor violations of the Conduct Code :
Points Lateness ( LATE ) ............................................................... 4 * Disorderly Appearance ( DA )............................................. 4 * Cell Phone Use .................................................................. 4 * Failed Dorm Inspection ( FDI )........................................... 4 * Parking / Driving ( PDOC )................................................... 4 Partial Neglect of Duty ( PND ).......................................... 4 Sleeping in Class / Chapel .................................................. 4 * Dorm / Classroom Disturbance ( DD / CD ) ........................... 4 * Neglect of Duty ( ND )......................................................... 8 Safety Violations ( SAFE ) .................................................. 8 * ^ Disrespect ( DIS ) ................................................................ 8^ Possession of Tobacco or Smoking ( UTOB )...................... 8 In Dorm Unauthorized ( IDU ) ........................................... 8 AWOL ................................................................................ 8 * denotes violations which are generally not subject to appeal ^standard point values but may increase based on the specifics of the violation
Major Violations
1 . Irresponsible behavior which is socially or morally unacceptable , including , but not limited to serious disruption of an administrative , instructional , or extracurricular activity of the college , destruction of property , harmful pranks , illegal gambling , abusive use of profanity or vulgar language , cursing , swearing , and verbal harassment of another person or persons
2 . Possession or use of firearms ( including airsoft , BB , and pellet guns ), firecrackers or explosive devices , and knives , sharp instruments , or other weapons designed to inflict injury or aid in hostile actions against other persons
3 . Possession of , or participation in , the purchase , creation , acquisition , or dissemination of false driver ’ s licenses or ID cards , or other fraudulent identification documents on or off campus
4 . Any form of language or behavior toward a fellow student , employee of the college , or other person on campus or at a campus function , which is based on or may be interpreted as based on race , religion or gender and is demeaning , embarrassing , harassing , insulting , or intimidating
5 . Online statements made by students , which consist of or admit to character qualities or behavior in violation of the Student Handbook or Scholarship Contract
6 . Cheating , deceiving , or attempting to present as one ’ s own work the work of another , or any work which has not been honestly performed , including exams , tests , drawings , term papers , or other class projects ; cheating includes any actions by a student that would naturally be interpreted as cheating , such as talking or looking at another student ’ s papers during a quiz or test
7 . Fraudulent or dishonest conduct , lying , stealing , or involvement in the theft of personal , public , or college property ( including the unauthorized taking of food from the kitchen , items donated to the Clothes Closet before they are processed , and fuel , supplies , and / or equipment ), and the intentional withholding of information
8 . Submitting a doctor ’ s excuse without physically being evaluated by the doctor issuing the excuse or altering information on an existing excuse prior to submitting it to a campus official