time passed by, we understood how
many pitfalls weren’t taken into
account in the very beginning.
At this stage the rumors about
our project reached Brazilians
and Italians, but they both
suffered the same fate – our
colleagues didn’t manage to
gather enough translators and
eventually, they all gave up.
happened. The first: many people
As a result, we had quite a large
became aware of the project, and
and properly organized group of
the number of translators increased.
translator- enthusiasts: Eduard
--For the Emperor!
The second: those people who did
Velicanov, Kate Abramovich, Ivan
--No, I’ll save the veggies
an excellent job on notabenoid.
Bezuglov, Anton Zaichikov, Mikhail
com transformed into something
Drelin, Mourmya and Trulala. With
that can be called a “professional
such “translation power engine”,
team”. Indeed, some of them
we had no choice but to change
process was ceased. Everyone
even had linguistic education.
the approach. We moved the files
succumbed to the release hype and
from public access to “restriction
rushed to play the game, as well
area”, an extremely well concealed
as trying to pass the exams and
Google table where only the Chosen
participate in obligatory internship
ones were allowed to pass in. The
programs. The translation was
texts weren’t gathered in-game
continued only two months after.
anymore, butwere extracted from
it. This level of organization gave
from you, fluffy rat bastard!
Well, at this period the overall
us the possibility to improve the
quality of translation dramatically.
All the summer I went on
Meanwhile, the programmers were
business trips, and the autumn
improving the addon too. As the
gave a hard time at work, so I
10 // WildStar Community Magazine
The GameOn Magazine