guild-patriotism form. Now, with
players to help with holdouts
megaservers, it’s a lot easier to
and more active buff stations.
get to your faction’s capital and
look around for a new guild.
We are yet to see what effects the
megaservers will have on dungeon
While having a guild isn’t
and adventure waiting times: they
essential, it can help with
have always been cross-server
endgame (and for some, leveling)
events. However, I suspect with the
enjoyment and it’s the only way
higher populations, there will be
to enter the more enjoyable
more options in finding players for
raids. However, the game isn’t all
groups and less reliance on pugging
massive raids and PvP; there are
with the LFG tool. Players are more
solo elements, like the Auction
likely to advertise if they’re looking
House (AH) that are dependent
for one or two party members
on the new servers as well.
as opposed to three or four.
Megaservers will help the
The only downside to
inconsistencies currently being
megaservers is that once one server
experienced on the AH: combining
is filled, the next will be be almost
the economies of multiple
empty, though this isn’t a major
servers. We will also see a more
issue and will mostly affect the
standardised C.R.E.D.D. price, more
capitals at this stage. Though with
times when zones will seem empty.
sales and purchases of farmed
more players returning after Drop 3
Guilds will be the big winners with
mats and crafted items. Weapons
arrives in November, you may notice
megaservers; merging servers
and armor will take a slight hit as
a few zones appearing empty. You
will increase population pools.
the market adjusts but after a few
can always log-out and back in or
months everything will stabalize.
wait until you enter the next zone.
Despite the capitals on the
quieter servers still having players,
Other PvE positives for solo or
Rolling out the megaservers
guilds have been struggling to get
leveling players are taking down
has been smooth and hasn’t been
numbers together to raid. Many
Primes. More players means
plagued by some of the quality
guilds haven’t been advertising
more opportunities to party-up
control issues that have plagued
in-game as Wildstar hasn’t been
and hit harder mobs with better
previous drops. Taking the extra
around long enough to have
loot rolls. There will also be more
time, despite the inconvenience
WildStar Community Magazine
The GameOn Magazine // 9