It’s hard to get in to trouble with no cohorts. Before the 15th of October it
was a struggle on less populated servers to wreak havoc on Nexus. Now
that Megaservers are online it’s looking good for in-game hijinx.
But there’s a problem. Exploring
exus is a place of colour.
on the character select screens. The
the starter zone shows only the
zones you’re in are ghost-zones.
Roddenberry’s dream of a Western
glimmer of humanoid interactions
Fear not, Megaservers have arrived.
in Space realised like only once
that don’t have an algorithm on one
But what are these mystical things?
before -- you Firefly fans know
side. There’s barely anyone until
where I’m at. From the moment
you hit your capital city. Those that
Megaservers work by starting
you appear in your starter zone
are around are almost as clueless
with one server per-zone. Once that
the excitement of meeting new
as you. Afterall, the game is only
server hits maximum population
people, actual and computer
a few months old and there are
the program opens access to
controlled, grips you and drives you
lulls while experienced players are
another, and so on. Because each
to level through 50 and beyond.
raiding or adventuring or dungeon
zone has a different amount of
crawling; alt 2