put this in and maybe we can cut
that has never heard of WildStar I
GameOn: What features during
something else”. So doing stuff like
think it’s a very personality-driven
development had to be cut from the
that makes my job challenging, but
game, whether that’s in our art style
game that you wish had ended up in
don’t get me wrong, it’s also pretty
or whether that’s in our lore. It’s just
the final product, and reasons why?
cool that we can add in things like
a fun experience to have rather than
Stephan: Well I can give you one
that that people really react well to.
the usual dreary, brown, gritty MMO
and I can’t give you another. One that
thing that you see every time you
I was really bummed that we had to
play a game which is “WE’RE STILL
cut because I think it’s really cool,
that WildStar being a new IP, so
and I don’t know that we won’t do it
for those who may not have heard
SO BRUTAL” .WildStar has a great
in the future, but I can’t really ruin
about WildStar or haven’t quite
feel to it which comes across in
the surprise on that one because it’s
got in to it yet, for you, what makes
our combat and in our housing, all
freaking awesome and PR would kill
WildStar unique and why should
sorts of stuff where you’re moving
me for saying anything about that.
users decide to invest in it?
constantly and having to kind of
The other one is we had fishing in
Stephan: WildStar is one of the
think about stuff. It’s not just “Oh,
the game but it was rocket fishing.
few MMOs I think that actually does
tab targetting. I’m going to hit my
Basically you had a bazooka and you
humour well and has a personality
three buttons so that I kill the mob
would aim at the ocean and then
that is memorable. We say
in front of me” -’ I’ve got to move,
blow up fish and that was how you
personality not just because we are
stay alive and interrupt correctly.
did the fishing. We had a model for
humorous - we do a lot of humour
I think that kind of separates us
it, it was like a shark cannon, you
things, but personality also suggests
from other games in that regard. I
could shoot in in water and hit stuff.
that there can be more than just
think fun is a little more paramount
The problem is it just wasn’t quite up
humor. That we have characters
for us rather than having to stick
to our standard of what we thought
that are jerks, maybe they’re nice,
to the story. That for me is the
was fun and something we could do
maybe they’re sarcastic, maybe
interesting thing about WildStar.
by launch. We wanted to focus on
GameOn: So you mentioned
they’re whatever but for somebody
WildStar Community Magazine
trade skills being as good as they
The GameOn Magazine // 23