art and people talking about their
asked for before we put it live. So
characters in the game; we call
it’s due in the next couple of months
members suggested that you’d
them ‘Wildstar Selfies’. If you take
but we are currently in that stage
like to include in the future?
a screenshot of your character, we
of polishing off the next update.
GO: What ideas have community
will post it up. I’d love to see more
cosplay. I’ve seen a lot of Aurin
GO: What is the best/biggest
has been suggested that we are
and I saw a little bit of Mordesh.
improvement for the next update?
putting in is Guild housing. People
I am still waiting for the Chua.
Megan: One of the things that
Megan: The biggest thing
ask for that a lot and we definitely
GO: When is the next
have planned to do it so we are
currently working on a version of
about the new update is that it
is the final part of the intro into
big update due?
the world story of Nexus – what
Guild housing. I’m not allowed to
happened to the Elden? Why
go into specific details but I think
Megan: I don’t have any specific
people will be really excited for it.
dates for the next update currently.
did they disappear thousands of
We do have a version of our next
years ago and who is this Drusera
update already on the PTR so our
who has been contacting you? So
Public Test Round players can
I think for a lot of players their
get on there, they can see what’s
entire game play experience has
coming, they see a current version
been building up to having these
been looking for more. I’d love
of it and we definitely welcome
questions answered and it is going
to see more cosplay on Twitter,
feedback. We take a lot of time to
to start the epic story of Nexus.
Tumblr - especially Tumblr because
address any bugs and make any
we love to put up pictures of fan
improvements that players have
GO: Have you seen any
cosplay based on Wildstar yet?
Megan: We have. I have actually
30 // WildStar Community Magazine
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