GO: There are a lot of MMOs out
there to compete with, what would
you say is your unique selling point?
Megan: I think if you asked all
of the developers, everyone would
probably have their own version
of what they love about Wildstar
but personally I think what makes
Wildstar unique is its personality; it’s
very humorous. I think everything
about Wildstar, and especially
the IP, is it has very high unique
personality driven. We have got
iconic characters - you meet some
of them in our game trailers and
them they show up throughout
the game. Players really like that.
Pretty much everything you do has
that Wildstar personality behind it.
what we are doing currently and
we have been doing post-launch.
the two would not conflict with each
Each one we have been trying to
other. What we are currently doing
theme for different areas of the
is making the game a full featured
game so we have already put out the
MMO - as robust as possible. We
Strain which was an entirely new
provide different areas for different
zone added to the game and level
be a popular answer but I actually
players, we have combat, we have
50 content for solo players, small
play Mordesh female and I play
questing, we have PvP, we have
group players, large group players.
Engineer. I really like Engineer
housing, but then in addition to
We have also put out a world story
because I can send my little bots in
that, once that game had come
that is solo, instance content like
and they do the work for me. I like
out, we didn’t want to say “here it
learning the story of Nexus. We
letting my little minions go and they
is – we are finished”. We wanted to
have put out a battleground for
are also really adorable so I think
continually work on the game and
our PvP players and we intend to
I would play any pet class. I know
put out new stuff. That’s what we call
do more dungeons and raids.
some of my friends really like Medic,
our ultra drops: monthly drops that
WildStar Community Magazine
GO: What’s your favourite
class and why?
Megan: I don