Wildcat Nation Wildcat Nation: Volume 2 Issue 2 (March, 2019) | Page 9

The Palestine Future Farmers of America consists of 46 members. Between the 46 of us, there are 23 animals being prepared to be shown: 1 lamb, 3 goats, 2 steers, and 17 hogs. A few of these pigs were even shown at the Fort Worth Livestock Show and Rodeo. Palestine FFA recently attended a jackpot show - a practice show - taking 2 goats, 1 lamb, and 1 pig. Jackpot shows are good to attend because it teaches you what to do before and during the show to get your animal ready. It’s important to treat it seriously to see how you would do under the pressure of a real show. It is also good because the judge will give you critiques on what you need to improve on.

When I first got into FFA and raising animals, I had no idea what I was getting into. I have been raising two of the pigs in our Chapter for a few months now, and I have learned so much already. You learn about the anatomy of your animal because you are the one feeding it, exercising it, and making sure it will grow into a grand champion. My entire Chapter has been very helpful, letting me go to shows and observe, answering all of my many questions, even loading up the pig scale and coming to my house just to weigh my pigs. Raising these pigs and being in this organization doesn't feel like work or an imposition, it feels like a family. Joining Palestine's FFA organization was one of the best decisions I've made in my entire high school career.