Wildcat Connection February 2019 | Page 3

Etta Smith is a mother, grandmother, wife and is now retired from being an assistant office manager/ accountant. She has been involved with 4-H since the first meeting her children attended in 1989. She soon found out that 4-H Youth Development is a family affair vs. leave your children for a few hours and pick them up later.

“I started with being a volunteer helping with the craft, dog, and horse projects. My girls were very involved with their horses and we attended every horse event we could. I would often load up the county van with 10 to 12 4-H members and head to a horse event (horse judging, nutrition programs etc….). While the youth attended their events, I attended the adult events and became a qualified 4-H horse judge as well as Level I and II evaluator.”

She served as community leader for the Lucky Riders for seven years, and is still a dedicated volunteer.

“4-H is a part of our family life and I feel I have benefited from helping with the clubs more than I have put in. It is a joy to me to work with the youth. I see no immediate end to my 4-H experience as a have a grandson starting in 2020 and one aging out in 2020 but a new grandson will be born in March this year. I will always strive to continue to ‘Make the Best Better’.”