Science relegated animals to the world of behavior and instinct alone. Animals were thought to be void of emotions and thoughts. Emotions and thoughts are all key components of what we call self-awareness.
Having a sense of ourselves, the world and our place in it allows us to experience. The Natural World is a delicate ecosystem with an intricate web of bio-diversity that science has yet to tap into. With the little knowledge and understanding to date relating to consciousness or self-awareness, how then can we state that animals do not have subjectivity? As an Animal Communicator the conversations I have with animals astonds me. They know more about the world around them than we give them credit for. They live in the now, they feel in the now. Yes, past experiences leave their scars and conditioning over time but if they animal is extricated form those environments and treated like a valuable individual, is honored and respected, trust can develop and over time the real essence of the animal being emerges.
Animals have species-specific needs and often we humans forget this. We base our ideas of intelligence and awareness on comparisons using human based observations and experimentation. Many individuals have asked me to tell their animals to change their behavior, but the animals tell me that there is always a reason for all behavior. Much of it comes down to safety, relationship, environmental and personal needs.
A dog bred for hunting, for example, told me she was born that way and she uses her nose for everything (literally everything, she would search incessantly in people's bags and pull things out!). I encouraged her to use her nose but to do so outside so that she could make the most of it and would have more fun. It is not up to me to change her behavior. Animals have their own minds and will decide what they would like to do. I work to find out why these things are happening and how understanding can be reached. They are very gracious and often will listen to requests for change other times they will not if they feel it is beyond species-specific requirements. Therefore, when you do decide to receive an animal companion in your family make sure the bred you choose is right for you.
Perceptions are created by the information being received using the five senses. Animals have highly acute senses, much more so than humans. So their world is even richer than ours! Interestingly, the olfactory sense is very acute for dogs and in hunters even more so. Did you know that dogs can sniff cancer? Thus when animals feel, they feel very deeply. when they hurt they hurt very deeply.
So next time your animal is acting up put yourself in their paws/hooves and see their perspective. You will find understanding and a much richer experience together!
Science is waking up to the notion that animals have thoughts and emotions as stated by the University of Cambridge Declaration in 2012. There will be more information on this available in the first ever Journal of Animal Consciousness in January 2015! www.societyforanimalconsciouness.org
Animals have interiority
Wild Voices Talk/January, 2015