Why change vol 1 | Page 7


The beginning of the week is about renewal. Don't make any sudden moves or you might disrupt the process. Come Tuesday or Wednesday, you can make all the sudden moves you want -- you can do jumping jacks to your heart's content. After a long process of figuring out what you desire, this week is about striking out into the world and getting it. Keep all your ducks in a row and make sure -- especially on Thursday and Friday -- that your reputation stays in tip-top shape. At the end of the week, you're going to be surprised by what you've accomplished.


Your world is flooded with emotion at the beginning of the week. You may need knee-high boots just to get through Monday without getting wet. Try to keep your sensitivity in check on Tuesday, especially around others. And on Thursday, when you run into someone with dogmatic opinions, be more open-minded than you usually would be -- you never know what this person might have to say. This weekend, you might find yourself rubbed the wrong way by something someone says. And you might have a point. But there's a chance they don't mean it at all


Someone's health is on your mind on Monday, and you may spend some time doing some Internet research to figure out exactly what they're going through. You are drawing closer to your good friends this week than ever. On Tuesday and Wednesday, the connection between you and a pal is extreme and deep -- an exhilarating bond. The latter half of the week will be consumed with work stuff (bizarre personalities, hidden agendas, hard deadlines), but this weekend is a good time for reflection. It will also be good for some risk-taking in the restaurant department.


Someone wants you to shake hands on a deal on Monday, but you should keep your hands firmly in your pockets. No handshaking until you know for sure that this is what you want. Spend Tuesday and Wednesday doing something nurturing yourself (food, music, books, long walks) and weighing your options. Later in the week, if you don't want to go out and be social with a friend, just let them know. This weekend, keep it low key, but don't bore yourself. You'll get a lot more joy out of a smart, challenging movie than a weepy, predictable one


Everyone is bringing their own motivations to the table, and you'd be wise to figure out what they are before trying to broker a deal. But, you know, good luck. You'll have to rely in large part on your masterful intuition. You don't have a lot of time to listen to other people's minor grievances this week, especially on Wednesday, when you'll be so busy with romance that you won't have time for anything else. (Or at least you won't want to make time for anything else.) On Friday, you'll be possessed of a strong sense of what you want. Just be sure not to cling to anything too much this weekend.


The people you're sharing your ideas with on Monday have radically different perspectives than you do -- and that, you've come to realize, is a good thing. It keeps you honest. And it makes you think about things you wouldn't normally consider. This week will be good practice for going with the flow (especially on Wednesday) and for getting along with strong, creative personalities (especially on Thursday). On Friday, recent efforts in your love life are going to pay off big time. What with all the change in the air, you'll feel like a completely new person come Sunday.


All you have to do is snap your fingers and everyone is at your service on Monday. You have a unique kind of social power, and you should use it sparingly. The connection between you and your friends is intense. It's so intense, especially on Wednesday, that you might get caught up in a kind of crowd mentality -- which, of course, is something you should try to avoid. At heart, you are a determined and individualistic person. Friday is a great day to propose a new plan to the group, and this weekend is a good time to forget about the group entirely and focus on your family.



You are feeling a bit slow at the beginning of the week, most likely because the weekend was exhausting and you're still stuck in a sort of dreamland. But starting Tuesday you'll be bounding out of bed every morning. You may even be bouncing off the walls. You are a true original, and when someone asks you for your opinion on Thursday, you are going to give it to them, no holds barred. People love you for your directness. Continue to communicate in bold ways over the weekend, even with people you barely know. You make friends quickly.