Why change vol 1 | Page 6



Change is in the air Monday, and you can't stop thinking about it. You may feel like it's selfish to dwell on all the good things that are happening in your life, but that's ridiculous. Find ways to express how you're feeling about everything on Tuesday and Wednesday, but on Thursday you might want to zip it and just play cool. Your moods are up and down and up and down this week -- it's important to recognize that that's natural. But the weekend will be two great days in a row, full of creativity and romance.


You've been holding off on deciding your next move for a while, but Monday is the day to make the big leap. You know all the facts and your friends are ready to help. By Tuesday, you'll start to have second thoughts, but everyone always has second thoughts after they've made a bold move. You will start to see the wisdom of your ways by Thursday, and on Friday someone is going to admit how impressed by you they are. This weekend, your plan will come into fuller focus: The end result won't change, but your plan on how to get there might


You know that the way to get what you want out of this scenario is to take your time and approach this methodically. Think of Monday as a chance to practice being patient. Your friends know just where your head is these days, and they're great sources of support, particularly on Tuesday and Wednesday. You know that discipline is key, and you'll have to resist extravagance on Thursday or Friday. This weekend, a sudden surge of energy (coupled with some exciting progress) is going to put you in the greatest of moods.


Someone is ready to finalize a plan with you on Monday, but you're still a little fuzzy on some of the details. Make sure you're getting out of this what you want. As long as you pay close attention on Tuesday and Wednesday, luck will be on your side. So, incidentally, will all of your friends and coworkers. You have an amazing support system, as you'll be reminded later in the week, and you also have friends in high places. You might want to go to them for advice sometime this weekend. You have big dreams, and they could help make them come true.