Why change vol 1 | Page 12

Is media causing Unhealthy weight loss?

The media is providing an unrealistic expectation of a body image. The media is callus towards teens when advertising their products. This leads teens to become concerned with their body or physical appearance and triggers unhealthy weight control methods, dieting, eating disorders and drug usage. Teens look for diets to lose weight to become sociably acceptable to others but at times don't see the negative side effects. Some teens even become so overwhelmed with being thin they even start becoming bulimic and or anorexic just to mimic the person on TV.

Do parents contribute to "the wanting" of being a model? screen?

The loveable "my chubby bunny", "pumpkin" and "chunky monkey" seemed cute, but it tends to stay in the back of our mind. Our parents are unaware of the way we see ourselves after there so-called cute nicknames. Jillian Croll also states in"BODY IMAGE AND ADOLESCENTS" that

Familial concerns and pressures may also contribute to increased body dissatisfaction and body image

concerns. It doesn't bother us at first, but as time goes on these names take a toll on our self-esteem. Every time we pass a mirror we can't help but look at our flaws instead of our beauty. Parents think its cute for children to gorge themselves in food, but in the future it causes weight problems and body insecurities as teens and adults. While parents have good intensions they sometimes send the wrong message.


Women have a higher percentage of devoleping an eating disorder.