Consultation Policy
Policy Context
Forty years ago The Robens Committee said : … the involvement of employees in safety and health measures is too important for the legislation to remain entirely silent on the matter .… that there should be a statutory duty on every employer to consult with his employees or their representatives at the workplace on measures for promoting safety and health at work , and to provide arrangements for the participation of employees in the development of such measures .
Since then , workplace consultation has played a central role in driving health and safety improvements and minimising risk .
Policy Purpose To guide WHSD inspectors in supporting workplace consultation arrangements during workplace visits .
Policy Goals By applying this policy decisions made by inspectors will :
• Empower workplace parties to consult
• Empower workplace parties to resolve WHS disputes
Regulatory Goals As a result of applying this policy :
• duty holders will be able to self manage their WHS obligations in the future
Scope This policy applies to WHSD inspectors
Legislation WHS Act Part 5
Policy Principles 1 . The focus of consultation is on effective two way communication 2 . During workplace visits Inspectors should assess whether the means of consultation are effective and lawful 3 . Resolution of WHS issues using agreed workplace processes is to be encouraged 4 . Inspectors should model consultation seeking to obtain the contribution , information and perspective of workers and PCBUs when making decisions 5 . Horizontal consultation -‐ not the mere sharing of information -‐ between duty holders is to be promoted 6 . Inspectors should seek to assist HSRs undertake their role to resolve WHS issues